12th April 2021

First call first round results of the Programme SASPRO 2

First call

First round

Application No. Results - first round
1003/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1005/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1016/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1018/01/02 Rejected
1019/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1024/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1034/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1048/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1059/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1070/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1071/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1073/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1083/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1084/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1085/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1090/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1092/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1094/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1098/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1099/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1100/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1101/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1104/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1111/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1114/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1117/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1118/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1119/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1121/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1122/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1136/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1138/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1139/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1144/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1145/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1148/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1150/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1151/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1152/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1155/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1156/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1157/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1159/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1160/01/01 Advanced to the second round
1161/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1162/01/01 Rejected
1163/01/02 Rejected
1164/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1165/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1166/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1167/01/01 Rejected
1170/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1171/01/02 Advanced to the second round
1173/01/03 Advanced to the second round
1175/01/02 Advanced to the second round
2067/01/02 Advanced to the second round
2089/01/01 Advanced to the second round
2120/01/01 Advanced to the second round
2125/01/02 Advanced to the second round
2130/01/01 Advanced to the second round
2140/01/01 Advanced to the second round
2158/01/01 Advanced to the second round
3002/01/01 Advanced to the second round
3007/01/01 Advanced to the second round
3014/01/02 Advanced to the second round
3032/01/03 Advanced to the second round
3033/01/03 Advanced to the second round
3129/01/02 Advanced to the second round
3135/01/03 Advanced to the second round
3141/01/02 Advanced to the second round
3154/01/02 Advanced to the second round
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